Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 4: Something Green

I got lucky with this one. For my photo class yesterday we were talking about nature photography and went outside to play around. I went to the water and began shooting the reflections. I was more interested with making it look abstract than a recognizable object since I have never really done anything abstract.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 3: Clouds

Yesterday we went on a hike! Well, more like a walk in the woods for three hours of getting lost-ness. It was interesting, but fun. We stopped for a break and noticed the shadows the clouds were making since we were over-looking the majority of the town. I got a couple photos of that and then when we started walking again I liked the clouds better so that's the photo below.

Day 2: What You Wore Today

I didn't quit already, I promise! I just haven't uploaded any of my images until today. So two days ago the challenge was what you wore today.

Well um... This photo is not very good... I think originally I had a good concept but I soon realized it was extremely hard to take a photo of myself in horrible dorm lighting. So the photo is a bit blurry plus not exactly what I  had wanted, but it seemed to work alright.

Monday, October 3, 2011

New 30 Day Challenge- Day 1: Self-Portrait

One of my friends has been playing around with his camera and has finally found a decent 30 day challenge and I decided to join him (although a bit late). So I'm trying this thing... again. The link to the challenge is here. I hoping I can actually stick to this one.

I'm doing this more to try and get back into photography. I have been so uninspired and frustrated with absolutely everything photo lately and really want to get out of this mood.

The first day is self portraits. I hate self portraits with a passion. But here's what I made.

Really I just got bored with all the other ideas and started flinging my hair around and this was the best out of those. It's times like this where I wish I had studio lights and little helpers to assist me like at my old school. Sigh, guess I'm just gonna have to start thinking outside the box with these things.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Playing in the Woods

Yesterday I was trying to do a photo shoot for my photography class, but the lighting was not working for me, so instead I played around in the woods!

I've been trying to play around with rushing water shots all summer and I just haven't been having much luck with lighting and timing. And while I was walking through the woods I found this cute little stream with mini waterfalls and thought I would give it another try. I don't think this one turned out too bad considering the circumstances. The downside is that since it was a last second thought I didn't have my tri-pod with me. So this photo was hand-held at about 1/4 of a second.

There was a tree that had fallen over that I was sitting on just looking around to see what there was to photograph, and I looked down and thought I would give texture a try. (Plus if I was still going with my 52 week plan this week would have been texture.) I originally had brought the shot up to the edge of the flaky pieces, but I tried it like this and found it more appealing going from the hard texture to the smooth section.

So far so good! I seem to be slowly getting back into this. It is a bit hard since I switched jobs this summer and didn't work with a camera at all and had little time between two jobs to shoot anything interesting. I have been working on lightning and star shots, but first I have to keep studying/learning tips to understand it a bit more.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Okay, so I lied a little...

Sooooo. The 52 week photography challenge did not work in the slightest. But now that I am away at school and all settled in, hopefully I will get some inspiration again. I just received a new camera strap after my last one broke, resulting in a piece currently missing from my poor camera's body. So maybe it's prettiness will help me want to go out and play!

I also am keeping another blog for my photography class and maybe the need to take photographs for assignments will stir-up some new ideas for my own projects. I may try to pick back up on my 52 week project from the week I should be on and just extend it next year. But I may just pick ideas from my list and photograph randomly. We will have to see!

Ready. Set. Here we go! (again...)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Week 1- Landscape

Well this was not the way I wanted to start this project. I took my photos last minute due to lack of time and inspiration and drove around for an hour and a half trying to find somewhere good to shoot. And on top of that I had computer problems Sunday and worked 13.5 hours Monday. Life is just not liking me this week!

But here is my landscape photo. I'm not really pleased with this shot but one of my rules was to post at least 1 thing each week whether I loved it or not. It was taken near Kattskill Bay in Lake George, right off Ridge Rd.

Hopefully this week I'll be more inspired. The theme for this week is plants!